Community Water and Sanitation Agency Act, 1998
Act 564 of 1998
- Published in Ghana Gazette 6 on 5 February 1999
- Assented to on 30 December 1998
- Commenced on 5 February 1999
- [This is the version of this document from 5 February 1999.]
Part I – Establishment of the Community Water and Sanitation Agency
1. Establishment of the Community Water and Sanitation Agency
2. Object and functions of the Agency
3. Ministerial directives
The Minister may give to the Agency such directives of a general nature on the policy to be followed by the Agency in the performance of its functions as appear to him to be in the public interest.4. Governing body of Agency
5. Functions of the Board
The Board shall be responsible for—6. Tenure of office of members
7. Allowances for members
The members of the Board shall be paid such allowances as the Board shall determine in consultation with the Minister and the Minister for Finance.8. Meetings of the Board
9. Disclosure of interest
10. Committees of the Board
The Board may for the discharge of its functions and the functions of the Agency appoint committees of the Board comprising members of the Board or non-members or both and assign to a committee such functions of the Agency or the Board as the Board may determine; except that a committee composed entirely of non-members may only advise the Board.11. Regional offices of the Agency
Part II – Administrative, financial and general provisions
12. Chief Executive and his functions
13. Appointment of other staff
14. Delegation of power of appointment
The President may in accordance with article 195(2) of the Constitution delegate his power of appointment of public officers under this Part.15. Expenses and funds of the Agency
The sources of money for the discharge of the functions of the Agency shall include—16. Accounts and audit
17. Annual report and other reports
18. Regulations and guidelines
19. Power of entry
20. Transfer and vesting of assets and liabilities
There shall be transferred to the Agency by—21. Liability and responsibility
22. Interpretation
In this Act unless the context otherwise requires—"Board" means the governing body provided for under section 4 of this Act;"community" means a group of households who refer to their settlement by the same name;"community management" means the management by one or more communities or sections of these communities of their safe water supply and related sanitation facilities including the ownership, planning, operation and maintenance and collection of revenues to pay recurrent costs;“District Assembly” includes Municipal and Metropolitan Assembly;“Minister” means the Minister for the time being charged with responsibility for the Agency;“operator” means any person other than the Agency who provides safe water and related sanitation services in a rural community or small towns;“recurrent cost” includes operation, maintenance and replacement cost of ordinary parts of equipment in use, but not the replacement of major components of such equipment;“rural community” means a community with a population of less than 5,000 people or any other figure which the Minister may from time to time declare by publication in the Gazette and the mass media;“sanitation” means hygiene education and disposal of faucal matter as they affect water usage;“small town” means a community that is not rural but is a small urban community that has decided to manage its own water and sanitation systems.History of this document
05 February 1999 this version
30 December 1998
Assented to